NJ irrigation repair under patio. Carefully removed pavers and earth to reveal leaking pipe.

Irrigation Repair Under Patio

This client’s patio had water seeping up from underneath the pavers when their sprinkler was turned on. We carefully removed the pavers to fix the problem and restored them precisely so there was no trace of any work being done (other than a dry patio)!

NJ irrigation repair under patio. Leak just starting to show when water is turned on.
When the sprinklers were turned on, water began to seep up through the seams in the patio
NJ irrigation repair under patio. Leak gets larger the longer the water is on, seeping from below.
The longer the sprinklers were on, the more water would seep up through the patio
NJ irrigation repair under patio. Carefully removed pavers and earth to reveal leaking pipe.
Revealing one part of the problem…
NJ irrigation repair under patio. Carefully removed pavers and earth to reveal leaking pipe.
There were actually two leaks, so we fixed them both
NJ irrigation repair under patio. Filling in after leak was fixed. Preparing to replace pavers.
We paid close attention to how the pavers were set before we removed them so we could replace them precisely as they were
NJ irrigation repair under patio completed and pavers replaced so there is no sign that they were ever removed
Repair completed with everything put back exactly as it was