Curvy custom patio with water valve access added

Curvy Patio Paver Installation

This client wanted a patio with almost no straight lines, something that curved and flowed in a very “organic” way. We are pleased to report that she was extremely happy with the final result!

Curvy custom patio with space for tree
This client wanted bricks with character so we found and reclaimed bricks from older structures to use here. The client really liked the varying finishes on the bricks and how they added some personality to her outdoor space.
Curvy custom patio with space for tree
A different angle showing how the patio meets up with existing walk. That join is the only part of the new patio that has a straight edge!
Curvy custom patio edging detail
Close-up on one of the edges to show off the double-trim
Curvy custom patio with water valve access added
We added a little water valve and cover and precision-cut the bricks to fit it exactly
Curvy custom patio with space for tree
There was an existing grate for a small tree that the client wanted to keep. We made a lot of precision cuts of the white brick trim to make it work with the uneven grate but to keep the beautiful circular look around it.